Credit cards with low interest rates might sound like an oxymoron, but with South African banking it needn’t be. Each South African bank has many different types of cards which means that you can select the card and interest rate that best suits your needs. What is really great is that performing a simple Internet search will allow you to make comparisons between cards before you even go to the bank. Even more exciting is that with many banks you can even apply online. There is nothing simpler than choosing what you want and great banks like ABSA, FNB, Standard Bank and Nedbank are waiting to help you make your choice.
If you are not sure which bank you want to look for credit cards with low interest rates at, then here are a few comments. Always keep in mind that it is easier to apply for a credit card with the bank that you already use. They will have an awareness of your financial situation and will be aware of your credit record. Most banks are looking for stability in order to provide you with low interest rates and so it is always best to go there with clear information about your salary and your proof of residence. If you want to apply online then simply follow the easy steps on your FNB, ABSA, Standard Bank or Nedbank online banking page and away you go.
If you are considering using a different bank then you will need to take more detailed information with you such as your payslip and proof of residence. These banks will usually test your credit rating and depending on this fact will advise you about a particular card. If you want to avoid this hassle it is simple enough to apply online and hope for the best. However, when you approach your actual bank then they are best able to give you comparisons between the products they offer and which ones are most suitable to your needs. After all, everybody wants credit cards with low interest rates.